Select your date and time and come visit the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

Due to the ever-evolving nature of rock & roll and our exhibits, some galleries may be undergoing updates and are publicly inaccessible. For a full list of all our available exhibits, click below.
The museum store is open to visitors and those without a ticket on level 1. We will only accept credit card or digital pay options for purchases.
The All Access Cafe will be open for visitors offering freshly prepared and grab and go options.
Read more about our store and cafe.
If you are looking for information regarding accessibility needs for your group, please visit our Accessibility page for more details.
Prohibited items at the Rock Hall include, but are not limited to:
- Firearms and ammunition
- Explosives
- Pocket knives (longer than 2 inches)
- Flammables/combustibles (i.e., gun powder, liquid fuels)
- Coolers (unless they contain medical supplies)
- Lawn chairs
- Any item that can’t be inspected

And you may ask yourself, “What time is the next Power of Rock show?” And you may ask yourself, “Where is the bathroom?” We have the answers to (most) of your questions about your “Once In A Lifetime” experience here.

Get some advice from the experts, our amazing Visitor Services crew! Learn about the best days and times to visit, some hidden artifact gems, our favorite eats in the All-Access Cafe, and more!
We’re following all health and safety protocols outlined by the State of Ohio and are committed to fulfilling our mission to engage, teach, and inspire through the power of rock & roll while providing a world-class experience for fans.
We utilize cleaning products and protocols that meet EPA and artifact care guidelines and are effective against viruses, bacteria and other airborne and fluid pathogens. The frequency of cleaning and sanitizing has been increased in all public spaces with an emphasis on frequent contact surfaces.
By entering the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, all visitors confirm they have NOT:
- Experienced symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours
- Been in contact with anyone who has been diagnosed over the last 48 hours with COVID-19
- Been contacted by a public health authority within the last 14 days, due to having been in contact with an individual infected with COVID-19
- Been directed to quarantine by a physician or public health authority
- Tested positive for, or been diagnosed with, COVID-19 within the last 10 days and / or not received clearance from a physician to discontinue isolation
If you or anyone in your party respond YES to any of these, email [email protected] and our guest services team will exchange your tickets for another date or a refund will be offered.