The Long Live Rock & Roll Society is a group of donors who have made a commitment to leave a gift to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in their will or estate plan. These gifts are arranged during the donor’s lifetime but received after the donor’s passing. These gifts provide the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame’s foundation as we build our endowment, continue to preserve the spirit of rock & roll, and help to sustain the organization’s mission for countless generations to come.
We would be honored to provide you with a personalized proposal showing how these gifts work as an integral part of your estate plan. Please feel welcome to contact [email protected] for more information.

You can specify a bequest gift in your will or trust. This will designate either a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, or specific assets to be given to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in the execution of your will.
You can name the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame as the beneficiary of your qualified retirement plan, such as your IRA, which provides significant tax benefits. In addition, if you are over the age of 70 ½ you can make a gift directly to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame from your IRA. You will not recognize the gift as income, and it will count towards your required minimum distribution.

You can make a gift that will pay you and your spouse with income, and the principal will support the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame upon your death. As an alternative, you may provide income to your parents, children, or others either for their lives or a fixed period of 20 years or less. These gifts are known as charitable remainder trusts and charitable gift annuities.
This is an efficient way to make a lasting gift to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. You may transfer the ownership of a policy that you no longer need for its original purpose to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. This policy can be either a paid-up policy or a policy that still requires premium payments. Such a gift may also provide you with a significant income tax deduction.

Music has the power to connect us all. Planned Giving at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame provides an opportunity to convert your passion for rock & roll into a force for good. By making a planned gift, you’re investing in a dynamic community that’s dedicated to preserving the heart and soul of rock music. Not only does your generous contribution have a profound impact on our ability to deliver our mission–it’s also a testament to the lasting impact of rock & roll as it continues to shape our culture, society, and artistic expression. Your generosity fuels vital initiatives that ensure the vibrancy and influence of rock & roll continues to shape the world. From preserving priceless artifacts to funding educational programs that empower students of all ages, your planned gift creates a lasting impact.