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Brian Epstein

BriaN EpSTEin




Peter Asher


Ahmet Ertegun Award

Brian Epstein was more than a manager—he was a music missionary.

One of the first two managers to be inducted into the Rock Hall, Epstein had an unprecedented talent for marketing his clients. More importantly, he believed in what he was selling—he stuck with the Beatles through rejection, even when they were just four boys from Liverpool.

Brian Epstein

Brian Epstein


By Anthony DeCurtis

As time goes by, successes of the past, particularly groundbreaking ones, often come to seem inevitable. The more comprehensively a band reshapes the world, the more difficult it is to imagine what the world looked like before it was so dramatically remade.

So the question arises from our contemporary perspective: Who could not have foreseen the earth-shattering potential of the early Beatles? It was all right there, after all: their obvious musical genius; those harmonies, original songs, and impeccable taste in covers; their raw rock & roll energy combined with irresistible pop charm.

Not to mention their good looks, intelligence, youth, ambition, and a fierce work ethic. Who couldn’t have known that the Beatles were destined to conquer and transform the world? The answer to that question, of course, is just about everybody, with one notable exception: Brian Epstein.

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Class of 2014
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